Current Active Subplots and Stories

The Crime Wars - Book 1(overarching story)
- It is a time of unrest in the city of Serenity on the low tech planet of Abasha. Different crime organizations compete for power, riches, resources, and territory. The innocent are caught in the crossfire and the city guard, The Talon Knights, are hard pressed to do anything about the matter. Those that aren't on the take that is.

Family Ties - Chapter (subplot)
- Far from the city of Serenity on a distant planet in another galaxy, a meeting is taking place to form an alliance between Kirian, a great warlord and leader of an army with a vast territory and Kayos, emperor or Kelosh.

The posts in order of occurance:
Family Ties: Negotiations (Active Thread)

The Nakmarr Party - Chapter (subplot/event)
- Arako Nakmarr throws a lavish locked-in party once a year. It is one of the few times anyone gets to lay eyes on the rich noble and is a much talked about event in higher social circles. Entrance is by invitation only and that list is rather small.

The posts in order of occurance:
Nakmarr Party: Social Event Of The Year
Nakmarr Party: The Seamstress
Nakmarr Party: Meeting The Guests
Nakmarr Party: Making Yourself At Home
Nakmarr Party: Undressing The Truth
Nakmarr Parrty: Falling For You
Nakmarr Party: Bodies
Nakmarr Party: Second Crime Scene
Nakmarr Party: Searching For The Mark
Nakmarr Party: Sniffing Around
Nakmarr Party: The Next Morning
Nakmarr Party: Refueling
Nakmarr Party: Smoke Break
Nakmarr Party: Getting To Know Terrata
Nakmarr Party: Spent
Nakmarr Party: Big Trouble, Little Wings
Nakmarr Party: Friendly Breakfast
Nakmarr Party: Quick Decisions
Nakmarr Party: Troublesom Children
Nakmarr Party: Honey
Nakmarr Party: Where Did The Day Go? (Active Thread)
Nakmarr Party: Meavi (Active Thread)
Nakmarr Party: Cheater (Active Thread)

Dangerous Lessons - Chapter (subplot)
- Paris, a high ranking young noble, enrolls in a class at Stormshadow in which an assassin enrolls as well. Paris' father puts his best men on infiltrating the class and finding the assassin before they complete their task and Paris dies.

The posts in order of occurance:
Class Starts
In Session
Study Group
The Arena
Falling Out Windows
Arrival At The Ruins
Entering The Ruins (active thread)
Outside the Ruins

Shifting Tides - subplot
- Telis, the ocean kingdom of Abasha, has sent a couple of siren princesses to make friends with the land dwellers on the planet's surface. They have landed in the city of Serenity just as the Crime Wars are about to start. Can they make peace between their peoples or will the princesses be taken up the river?

The posts in order of occurance:
The Ambassodor Arrives
Lark and Matt's First Date

Silver Linings - subplot
- The Croxx is a family of vampire hunter living on the planet of Hana'Var. They are more than just a family, but are a race with dragon blood, created by the great dragon most call Galeon. Galeon is soon to wake from his slumber.

Croxx in Serenity
Croxx Meet Nick: Please Don't Kill Our Father
A Nice Ride in The Countryside (active thread)

The above listings last updated on June 2, 2023

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Nepherasta is a regulated free form role playing game in an original setting with original characters. It is a story written one paragraph at a time by our players. We are always open and friendly to new players of any skill level.

Nepherasta was first created out of the love the creators had for Greek mythology. The original idea was to play the gods in their petty day to day bickering and power struggles. Many mortal locations and characters have sprung up over the years however that take a great deal of the focus of the story instead.

Right now the play is focused on the mortals and the power players that are near ascending to greatness, but aren't there yet. A great deal of focus is on the mortals and their little Crime Wars they are having in the city of Serenity. More powerful players are moving into and through the area, heralding the greater wars yet to come when the gods come to blows.

It is your story, how will you write it?

Quick Announcements

June 2023

It's your turn to post.

March 27, 2018

One of our major players has an arm injury and so things are moving very slow around here right now. This also makes it a perfect time to jump in and join us as you'll have plenty of time to adjust and ask questions waiting for her to make her one armed posts.

August 20, 2017

There are some issues with most the images on this site as they place they were hosted from no longer allowed third party hosting. We are working to fix this issue as quickly as we can.


January 28, 2017

Added a roll system to the forums. Right now it will display as a six sided dice.

1 - a critical failure. Can also be a hit to one self or a misfire of a spell. Your fireball just blew up in your face
2 - Failure Whatever it is you're trying to do, fails, but doesn't harm you unless you want it to.
3 - Small Success Your fireball is itty bitty, but forms. Your spot check notices a trap nearby, but you're not sure what kind.... that sort of thing
4 - Average Success Everything goes as expected. No more, no less.
5 - Good Success That's a nice size fireball you got there, mage.
6 - Critical Success The size of your fireball is so impressive that all the girls want your number

December 17, 2016


The site looks large, but do not feel overwhelmed if you are thinking of joining us. We are laid back and easy going OOC, despite our love of character conflict and drama IC. We are still in the beginnings of the new series and now is the perfect time to get in on the ground level with the Crime Wars and show us what you can do so that eventually you can open the pathway to play one of the gods of Nepherasta.

It is not too late to get into the locked in murder mystery party going on at the Nakmarr manor. The characters are locked in, but players are still welcome to join there. There are many guests that have not been identified, so it's easy to just write in that your character is one of them. Many of the characters in the party are involved in the Crime Wars book, and some of them will be major players in the next book The Stirring. We do have a lore we like to try to stick to, but even the lore is a little flexible by it's own nature.

Play hard,

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